
I had a chance to create a VP Real Estate brand and collaborate with them through my personal brand 2019-2020

Experiences are the best teachers, marketing Pärnu Hospital 2010 – 2019 is one of them, kindly check my “traditional” CV

VP Real Estate Facebook | Instagram | Homepage

Kindly get in touch info@vpkinnisvara.ee

“Live, Work, Enjoy in Pärnu”

Graf Zeppelini Maja brings elegance, style & beauty to heart of Pärnu

Klick here and glide through spacious and elegant Graf Zeppelini Maja

By Boa Arhitektid 

Raudteevalitsuse Villa creates a new connection between art nouveau and modern architecture

By Boa Arhitektid 

Martensi Maja provides you quiet spaces to work and live

By Boa Arhitektid