Click here to read the original article by Mikko Virta in The Baltic Guide
As the original text is written in Finnish… the Google transalte comes to help…the story begins like that…Errit Kuldkepp, who is a marketing specialist at Pärnu Hospital, is a huge Bocelli fan. She says the music of the Italian maestro touches listeners deeply. “There is tremendous power in his songs that can give the listener’s soul wings at the right moment,” she describes….
You can download the pdf version as well to read the full story….published on The Baltic Guide
Most certainly you are more than welcome to read the Errit´s version of the journey to Andrea Bocelli in her blog
A meaningful life is not being rich, being popular, or being perfect. It’s about being real, being humble, being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of others. The purpose of the journey to meet Andrea Bocelli was and still is to inspire people to be courageous, loving, for human connection, to dream big & take action…because our dreams do not work unless we do!
With love from Pärnu (Estonia)
Errit Kuldkepp

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