Changes to Make to Improve Your Mental Health

Changes to Make to Improve Your Mental Health

Sometimes the simplest things have the biggest impact. By Anxiety Gone, Online publication dedicated to breaking the stigma of mental illness and re posted by Thrive Global You cannot expect to get better if you are not willing to make some changes in your life. As...
Be strong and show your weakness

Be strong and show your weakness

Being strong means both, showing your strength and weakness while needed but never hurting anyone on purpose. Kindly remember that warm and kind hearted people never hurt anyone on purpose, they take full responsibility for their mistakes & actions. Always...
My Pärnu

My Pärnu

Pärnu is a idyllic resort town in Estonia. We love to live here because it has space….space to love, grow, fall, get back again, to be and to create. Enjoy the views 🙂 and click here to see the full gallery...
Pärnu Politseis töötavad südamlikud inimesed

Pärnu Politseis töötavad südamlikud inimesed

Rääkisin autoga sõites telefonitsi juttu (jah ma tean, et seda ei tohi teha) kui märkasin, et korravalvurid andsid mulle märku, et peatuksin. Jätsin auto seisma, lasin akna alla ning vaatasin tagasivaate peeglist kuidas mundris meesterahvas auto poole sammub. Tervitas...
Keerulised suhted ja väljakutsed

Keerulised suhted ja väljakutsed

Keerulised suhted ja väljakutsed on alati olnud ja on ka edaspidi kõige paremad õpetajad Hindan kogu hingest inimestevaheliste suhete mitmekesisust, sest iga inimene, kellega sa kokku puutud õpetab Sulle eelkõige Sinu enda kohta ning arendab Sinu isikuomadusi ja aitab...