
Her Excellency served as the 9th President of Malta from 2014 to 2019)…but despite her position, she is a human being, a true lady and a woman with a purpose. I believe that men and women should learn from each other and inspire to aim for the more meaningful acts of human connection, whenever possible. Here is only one example of our correspondence (which started in January 2019), which I promise you, will continue….PS! By the way in my reply letter I wrote to her and her PA: “May your kindness return to both of you in hundreds of different ways♥️♥️ Kindly invite you for a short 2 minute break through the last clips I made which hopefully inspire you to visit Gozo soon 👉 https://youtu.be/Ue3mvmFqpJs
👉 https://youtu.be/xom7kFEqFfA
With love from Gozo💛💛
Errit Kuldkepp
Passionate about Life and Human Connection