
Yes, we are different, but we share the same values & that is our strength, because we embrace our individual authenticity and values toward life and only because of that we are an unstoppable team – we are Errit & Laura the human connection between Positively Inspiring Lifestyle and the world 😘😘

Errit Kuldkepp: “I believe in living life of purpose, that impacts positively the lives of others. Through Positively Inspiring Lifestyle our purpose is to inspire people to live courageouslypassionatelyfulfillingly, through the energy of love and meaningful human connection.

Together with Laura, we are ready to help you to thrive and share our experiences through inspiring seminars on: personal branding & soulful marketingapplying a heartfelt hospitality in every field of life & body and mind balance practices

Experiences are the best teachers, kindly check my “traditional” CV or dive into my personal FB or Instagram page where I share people, brands & experiences that have touched my heart and soul:)

Laura Siimenson: “I believe in magic of dreams and making them come true. For that I believe you need courage, dedication and patience. I am passionate about body and mind balance which comes from inside out. I believe that your only competitor is youself and stepping out of your comfort zone which pushes your physical and mental limits has really important role to grow as a person. My goal is to become stronger, more resistant and flexible than I was yesterday in every field of life.

Through my Instagram account I want to inspire others to be courageous enough to find their own balance between body mind and spirit.

Positively Inspiring Lifestyle – Passionate About Life and Human Connection

With love,

Errit & Laura