
Juulis teevad suvepealinnas tuure (alt vasakult) Karoliine Aus, Errit Kuldkepp, Annabel Heindla, Rainer Aavik, Liisa Mägi, Marit Piirman, Elen Juurma, Veronika Meibaum, Kati Vaas, Margo Märtsoo ja Jaanika Rannula.

Loe kindlasti edasi artiklit meediaväljaandes 13.06.2019 Pärnu Postimees

Trust me, I´m a local! Pärnu guided tours in English
Every Saturday in July.
Pärnu is really proud of its people and people in Pärnu love our city! This is why a group of active locals got together and decided to share our love of the city and offer its guests a tour through our eyes and stories. Read more 🙂