When I was just a little girl I used to dream about travelling to USA and watched to “visualize” this dream many, many movies and from there I had a first encounter with Tiffany & Co. I remember how magical it felt when ladies went into the store and how they were treated and I knew from that time on, that one day….
Then in 1995 “Breakfast At Tiffany’s” by Deep Blue Something came out and I was caught by it completely as it was a collection of the beautiful moments gathered up in the clip…Tiffany & Co, liberation, class, freedom, heartfelt hospitality and the elegant beautiful lady in white dress (who inspired me to become a lady like that when I grow up)…ahh how I loved that song because of all these moments…..
Then in December 2002 I travelled to New York and from there to Chicago to become an au pair…and I remember clearly the day when I stood in front of the huge window of Tiffany on Michigan Avenue….and was mesmerized, I did not dare to go in the first time, but then weeks later I went in and felt the magic. I had no money to buy anything from there but I had all the passion to breathe in the vibe and it was then in 2003 in that store that I made a promise that one day I will afford….
Ever since that time I have been in Tiffany Stores around the Europe and waiting for that perfect moment….I watched the movie “Breakfast At Tiffany´s” with Audrey Hepburn over and over again and that might be why it all came together in 2019 May, while visiting Paris, I went in to Tiffany on Camps Elysees…I remember walking up the stairs, paying attention to the details and pictures on the wall, one clearly saying that
“VISITORS are always welcome to view the objects of interest in Tiffany & Co´s establishment with the same freedom as in a museum” and it really touched me.

I continued my exploration and indulgence with the details until I came all the way up and noticed Audrey´s famous photo her standing in front of the Tiffany´s window and eating a croissant and looking at the timeless beauty…. and then, just next to it was a copy of her letter written in 1987 starting with the lines…”A thing of beauty is a joy forever….” when I finished reading it, I knew, that today is the day, 16th of May, that I realize a dream that has a value only I feel deep inside….

I continued to take time to find a perfect fit and just when I was “in my moment” a lovely JOANNA BRYCHT approached me and kindly commented that she noticed how I took time to get acquainted with every piece of timeless beauty. She was the perfect person to help a little girls dream to come true, without even knowing her big part in this long journey. She was truly warm, attentive, caring and we found a lot in common in our mindsets. She did not rush but helped me to try on the beauties until I found “the one”. She was kind enough to suggest it to personalize with my name, date and place (Paris) on it…
For me it is a symbol of timeless drive of a human being, human connection and value of creating magic in our lives….Yes we are the creators of our own world and magic in it, I wish people would be willing to do that more as life itself is magical, valuable, beautiful. We need both hardships and happiness and all that happens in between, because that is exactly what gives us depth and creates our character.
Thank you dearly for reading, may all your wildest dreams come true!
Be inspired| Authenticity | Start now, Start with You | The true Gentleman of Phoenicia Hotel, Malta | visit my Intagram account for a daily dose of Positive Inspiration
Be for love, human kindness and dare to dream and create!
With love from Pärnu, Estonia
Ms Errit Kuldkepp
Personal Branding|Soulful Marketing|Inspirational Seminars|Heartfelt Hospitality

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